7ES002 Las Tablas de Daimiel
Coordinates: 39º09'N 003º40'W Elevation: 600-620 m Area:1,928 ha

The site is located at the confluence of the Rivers Guadiana and Gigüela, about 10 km northwest of the town of Daimiel and 20 km northeast of the city of Ciudad Real, Ciudad Real province, in the extreme southwest of the autonomous region of Castilla-La Mancha in central Spain. The Ramsar site Laguna del Prado (7ES022) lies about 20 km to the north-northeast.

1a, 2b, 2c, 3b
The area consists of a complex of shallow pools and associated marshland, which lies in the great plain of La Mancha. The combination of plant communities makes the area a characteristic Iberian wetland. The vascular plant Limonium longibracteum is an endemic species of saline sites in La Mancha. The area supports a diverse fauna, including the mammals Lutra lutra, Meles meles and Vulpes vulpes, 13 reptile species, amongst them Mauremys (or Clemys) caspica and Emys orbicularis, the amphibian Hyla arborea and the fish Cyprinus carpio. The area is also very important for nesting waterbirds. The international (1% population) criterion is met by Ixobrychus minutus, Ardea purpurea, Marmaronetta angustirostris, Circus aeruginosus, Grus grus, Himantopus himantopus and Chlidonias hybridus. Counts of wintering waterbirds regularly exceed 10,000 individuals, the most common species being Anas strepera and Netta rufina.

Wetland Types:
Tp, M, N, Ss, W (dominant type listed first)
The vegetation formations of the shallow pools and the surrounding marshland are laid out like a mosaic, according to variations in water levels, salinity and other parameters.

Ecological notes
In the past the wetland was surrounded by dense oak wood of Quercus rotundifolia. Most of it is cleared, but traces remain on the right bank. The left bank has completely been turned into agricultural fields. The Tablas support a rich aquatic vegetation, with submergent species including Zannichellia pedunculatus, Ceratophyllum demersum, Ruppia maritima and Chara aspera. The emergent vegetation was once dominated by Cladium mariscus, but this has gradually been displaced by Phragmites australis and Typha sp. Tamarix canariensis, a halophylic species, is the most common bush/tree. Netta rufina, Anas crecca, Aythya nyroca, A. ferina, Ardeola ralloides, Nycticorax nycticorax, Podiceps cristatus, P. nigricollis, Panurus biarmicus and Acrocephalus melanopogon also breed here.

Physical notes
La Mancha is a depressed basin which was formed during the process of geologic uplifting. It filled up during the Tertiary Period. The resulting formation consists mainly of limestone and calcareous clays. The site receives floodwater from the permanent freshwater R¡o Guadiana and the seasonal brackish R¡o Gigüela, and groundwater from an underground water basin known as Aquifer 23. The climate is warm Mediterranean, with a continental character. The annual average rainfall is about 450 mm. Extreme summer droughts are common.

Human uses
The reserve is almost completely owned by the state (98.3%). Bordering the reserve is another, partly state-owned, protected area of over 5,000 ha. The site is used on a small scale by the local inhabitants, for hunting, fishing and the collection of reeds and rushes. These activities have been conducted since the first settlers came to the area during the Bronze Age (1,500 BC, Las Motillas culture). Remnants of such a settlement have been found inside the park. The surrounding area is used for agriculture. Recently irrigation with water taken from the underground aquifer has expanded enormously. About 100,000 people of foreign nationalities visit the site each year, so tourism is becoming socio-economically important for the area. Conservation Measures: The site was designated a National Park (Parque Nacional) in 1973. This was enlarged in 1980. It is also a UNESCO Man and Biosphere Reserve and an EU Special Protection Area for wild birds. The site was included in the Montreux Record in 1990, with the aim of restoration of the hydrological functioning of the upper Guardiana River, notably the sustainable use of Aquifer 23 (the "Mancha Occidental" aquifer). This implies improvements in the amounts, quality, and seasonal timing of water for the site. To this end, an Expert Commission was established in 1998 by the Central Spanish Government and the Autonomous Government of Castilla-La Mancha. The Ramsar Bureau has been invited to participate in this Commission, which will report in 1999.


The groundwater underlying the plain of La Mancha (i.e. Aquifer 23) has been subject to over-exploitation. As a result, the Tablas started to dry out. There have also been changes in the water quality at the site, owing to the differences in chemical composition between groundwater and surface water supplies. High rainfall since 1997 has improved the short-term hydrological and ecological situation, and steps are being taken to ensure adequate long-term improvements


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