7ES007 Salinas del Cabo de Gata
Coordinates: 36º44'N 002º12'W Elevation: 0 m. Area:300 ha

The site is located on the Mediterranean coast, about 23 km east-southeast of the city of Almería, Almería province, in the autonomous region of Andalucía (Andalusia), southeast Spain.

1a, 2a, 2c, 3b
The area is important for breeding, staging and wintering birds. Nesting species are Himantopus himantopus, Recurvirostra avosetta and Charadrius alexandrinus, while notable non-breeding species include Phoenicopterus ruber, Netta rufina, Aythya ferina, A. fuligula, Oxyura leucocephala, Limosa limosa, Calidris canutus, C. alba and Larus audouinii.

Wetland Types:
5, E, Ss
The site primarily consists of salt pans (salinas) which occupy a coastal depression at the foot of southwestern slopes of the Sierra de Gata mountains. There are also sand dunes and saltmarshes.

Ecological notes
The area in the immediate vicinity of the salt pans supports halophytic vegetation composed mainly of Arthrocnemum macrostachym, Limonium cymuliferum, Frankenia corimbosa, Salsola vermiculatus and Inula crithmoides. There are limited areas of Phragmites australis reedbeds.

Physical notes
Lying below sea level, the salinas are supplied with seawater by gravitational flow. A sand dune complex separates the wetland from the open sea.

Human uses
The salinas are being used for salt extraction.


The site is a Natural Park. It is also designated an EU Special Protection Area for wild birds, as part of the much larger Cabo de Gata-N¡jar SPA (26,000 ha). Local development plans classify the site as a Specially Protected Area not for Urbanization. A management plan for the Natural Park, based on zonation, was under development in 1991. Three zones were projected: a core reserve area, an area for extensive uses, and a zone of intensive use (the latter including research and visitor reception/interpretation facilities).

