7ES008 S'Albufera de Mallorca
Coordinates: 39º49'N 003º07'E Elevation: -1 to 10 m Area:1,700 ha

The site is situated about 6 km south-southwest of the town of Alc£dia, in the province of Palma de Majorca, on the northeast coast of Majorca island, in the autonomous region of Baleares.

1a, 2a, 2c, 3b, 3c
The area is internationally important for breeding, staging and wintering birds. Nesting species include Tachybaptus ruficollis (>150 pairs), Ardea purpurea (30-50 pairs), Ixobrychus minutus (>50 pairs), Botaurus stellaris (2 pairs), Circus aeruginosus (9 pairs), Himantopus himantopus (100 pairs) and Acrocephalus melanopogon (500-1,000 pairs). Pandion haliaetus and Falco eleonorae feed in the area during the breeding season

Wetland Types:
Tp, O, P, Ts, 5, 9
The site consists of an extensive freshwater marsh. It is separated from the sea by a sand dune bar. It is dissected by a network of dykes and drainage canals Much of the area is covered by dense reed beds. There are only limited areas of open water.

Ecological notes
The park includes the major part of the wetland, which is 1,800 ha. The total area of natural interest is 1,900 ha. Large parts are covered by dense beds of Phragmites australis and Cladium mariscus. There are also rushes and Salicornia beds. Lagoons and canals contain submerged macrophytes like Potamogeton, Zannichellia and Myriophyllum. The canals are fringed by woodland and Tamarix scrub, but these have partly been cut down in the past. The dune bar supports Juniperus scrub, with Juniperus oxycedrus macrocarpa, Thymedaea velutina, Ophrys sp. and Orchis sp., but has been partly developed for tourism. In the marsh itself Orchis palustris is abundant.

Physical notes
The marsh is situated on thick layers of marine sediments. It gets its water from surface runoff and groundwater. There is a system of dykes and drainage canals, remaining from attempts to convert the wetland into irrigated agricultural fields.

Human uses
Of the park, 80% is owned by national, provincial and local governments. The other parts are private property. The surrounding area is privately owned. Human activities within the site include conservation education, eco-tourism, controlled traditional fishing (mainly eel) and traditional collection of natural fibers (Typha and Arundo). There are a visitors centre and bird watching hides. The surrounding area is used for agriculture (inland) and tourism (along the coast).


The site was designated a Natural Park (Parque Natural) and a Hunting Refuge (Refugio de Caza) by the national government. The Balearic government declared it a Special Interest Natural Area. Some 2,584 ha of the site has been declared an EU Special Protection Area for wild birds. A management plan has been made, and most of it has been implemented.

There are no threats from inside the site. Excessive growth of tourism along the coast may become a problem. The over use of groundwater for irrigation in the surrounding area may cause saltwater to come in from the sea to replace the freshwater, and the residues of pesticides and fertilisers may have negative effects when they flow into the reserve.
