7ES012 Rias de Ortigueira y Ladrido
Coordinates: 43º42'N - 007º47'W Elevation: 0-117 m Area:2,920 ha

The site is situated on the Atlantic coast, immediately north and west of the town of Ortigueira, La Coruña province, in the autonomous region of Galicia, in the extreme northwestern part of Spain. It is about 30 km northeast of the Laguna y arenal de Valdoviño Ramsar site.

1a, 3b
The site consists of a rocky coastal inlet and an estuarine complex at the mouths of the Mera and Ladrido Rivers. It is a typical 'elevated' estuarine system with extensive intertidal flats. Wintering shorebirds include Haematopus ostralegus, Pluvialis squatarola, Numenius arquata and Calidris alpina, while the most numerous wintering Anatidae are Anas penelope , A. platyrhynchos and A. clypeata. Mammals include the otter Lutra lutra.

Wetland Types:
G, A, E, F, Sp (dominant type listed first)
The area contains salty and brackish parts. It is composed of an elevated estuarine system with two river mouths and large intertidal flats, and a rocky coastal inlet.

Ecological notes
The areas most influenced by freshwater inflow from the rivers support beds of Phragmites and Juncus, while lower intertidal areas are colonised by Zostera marina and Z. nana. Other parts of the site support typical sand dune plants such as Ammophila arenaria and Pancratium maritimum. The most inland parts of the dunes harbour Helichrysum picardi, Crucianella maritima, Linaria polygalifolia, Ulex europaeus, Pinus pilaster and Eucalyptus globulus.

Physical notes

Human uses
Of the site, 1,633 ha consists water and intertidal areas. This part is therefore owned by the state. The other 1,267 ha are private property. The area is used for fishing, shell-fish harvesting and farming of other marine products. There is some tourism too.


The area has been designated a Reserve from Hunting (Refugio de Caza). It is also an EU Special Protection Area for wild birds. In May 1989, the site was included in the General Register of Natural Areas in Galicia (Registro General de Espacios Naturales de Galicia) for possible designation as a Generally Protected Natural Area (Espacio Natural de Régimen de Protección General). However, almost all of the local authority development plans which cover parts of the site show the area as urban land (Suelo Urbano). A natural resources development plan is being drafted.

The area is threatened by urban pollution. Some damage is caused by tourists. The avifauna is occasionally disturbed too by activities on a local shooting-range.
