7ES030 Embalses de Cordobilla y Malpasillo
Coordinates: 37º19'N - 004º40'W Elevation: 0 m. Area:1,972 ha

These two embalses (reservoirs) are situated in the south of the province of Córdoba, alongside the Genil River, which forms the boundary between the provinces Córdoba and Sevilla, in the autonomous region of Andalucˇa.

2a, 3b
The Embalses de Cordobilla y Malpasillo are especially important in winter for the globally threatened duck Oxyura leucocephala, but also for Porphyrio porphyrio, Ardea purpurea, A. cinerea, Egretta garzetta, Anas platyrhynchos, A. clypeata and Circus aeruginosus. Smaller numbers of Phoenicopterus ruber, Himantopus himantopus, Recurvirostra avocetta, Charadrius alexandrinus and C. dubius also occur.

Wetland Types:
6, Tp, W
The site comprises two permanent freshwater reservoirs.

Ecological notes
Stable water levels have given rise to a dense riparian vegetation, composed of Typha dominguensis, Arundo donax and Phragmites australis. Around the Embalse de Cordobilla there are stands of the shrub Tamarix and riparian trees like Salix sp., Populus sp., and Ulmus minor. The Embalse de Malpasillo is shallow and supports extensive marsh vegetations, with Typha dominguensis, and smaller areas of Iris pseudacorus and Scirpus spp., together with Populus spp. There is also a great diversity of terrestrial habitats within the site, which are important for raptors like Aquila chrysaetos, Hieraeetus fasciatus, Buteo buteo, Circus pygargus, Accipiter nisus, Falco peregrinus, F. tinnunculus and F. naumanni.

Physical notes
The man-made embalses of Cordobilla and Malpasillo do not experience great annual fluctuations in water level (even in extremely wet or dry summers and winters). Cordobilla has an average depth of 10 m, and a total volume of nearly 34 million cubic metres. The Embalse de Malpasillo (volume approximately six million cubic metres) acts as an overflow for another reservoir, the Embalse de Iznajar. The most important freshwater supply comes from the Rˇo Genil, which is fed by the meltwaters of the Sierra Nevada, and regulated by the Iznajar reservoir.

Human uses
The predominant land use in the area is agriculture. There are olive groves, cereals, and some irrigated crops.


The two reservoirs are Natural Parks (Parajes Naturales). The Environment Agency of the Junta of Andalucˇa made an agreement with the Sevillan Electricity Company - owner of the land occupied by these reservoirs - to maintain optimal water levels for breeding waterbirds, in particular the duck Oxyura leucocephala.

