7ES031 Albufera de Adra
Coordinates: 36º45'N - 002º57'W Elevation: 0 m. Area:75 ha

Albufera de Adra is located on the Mediterranean coast, within the municipality of the town of Adra, in the extreme southwest of the province Almería, in the autonomous region of Andalucía, southwest Spain.

1a, 2a, 2d, 3b, 3c
The lagoons hold significant populations of the fish Aphanius iberus, which is endemic to the Iberian penisula and is currently in danger of extinction. The site is also important for the globally endangered duck species Oxyura leucophala which nests and winters in the lagoons, and the threatened species Marmaronetta angustirosris which occurs as a passage migrant. Other nesting waterbirds include Podiceps cristatus, Ixobrychus minutus, Aythya ferina and Netta rufina, whilst A. ferina, A. fuligula and Fulica atra are the most numerous wintering species.

Wetland Types:
J, H, Sp, 3 (dominant type listed first)
The site includes intertidal marshes, coastal lagoons, permanent brackish pools, and irrigated ricefields. The most important parts are two large lagoons, the Albufera Nueva (29 ha) and Albufera de Adra (13 ha).

Ecological notes
The Albufera Nueva has an abundant macrophyte flora. The predominant species growing on the shore are Phragmites australis, Arundo donax, Typha angustifolia, Scirpus litoralis and Scirpus maritimus. There are extensive beds of Typha latifolia around the outermost parts of the lagoon. The submerged vegetation is dominated by Najas marina. Albufera Honda has lower salinity and nutrient levels, and its macrophyte vegetation is even richer than that of Albufera Nueva, with several additional species, including Cladium mariscus. The Albufera de Adra is considered a wetland of national botanical importance.

Physical notes
The Albufera Nueva and Albufera de Adra are endorheic lagoons within the eastern part of the delta of the Río Adra.

Human uses
Traditional use of the marshes included fishing, hunting, and irrigated agriculture. Since the 1950s, cultivation under plastic has spread into the area. Within the reserve boundaries, all activities except those of a scientific or educational nature, are now prohibited.


The site is a Natural Reserve (Reserva Natural). A management plan is being implemented. Planned actions include the establishment of scientific facilities, research programmes to direct management of the area, wardening, interception of waste materials from surrounding agricultural land, fencing of one of the lagoons, and purchase and restoration of farmland. The lagoons also benefit from Regional and Municipal conservation measures.

The lagoons are subject to agricultural pollution, causing considerable die-back of aquatic vegetation.
