7ES036 Lagunas de Laguardia (Alava): Carralogroño, Carravalseca y
Prao de la Paul
Coordinates: 42º32'N - 002º34'W Elevation: 548-564 m Area:42 ha

The lagoons of Carralogro¤o, Carravalseca and Prao de la Paul are close to the village of Laguardia in the Rioja Alavesa, in the autonomous region País Vasco, northern Spain.

1a, 2a, 2b, 2d
The three lagoons are the northernmost mesosaline inland lagoons in Europe, and in the region represent the last examples of this characteristic ecosystem. Of special interest is the aquatic flora, in particular the extremely rare Charophyte Tolypella salina. Of the terrestrial plant species, Narcissus assoanus, Odontites eliassennenii and Thymus loscosii are endemic to the Iberian peninsula, the latter being confined to the Ebro valley. A variety of waterbirds uses the lagoons, including the nationally threatened Plegadis falcinellus.

Wetland Types:
Ss, 2
The lagoons of Carralogro¤o and Carravalseca are natural mesosaline seasonal wetlands. Prao de la Paul is an artificial impoundment built in a similar wetland

Ecological notes
The lagoons have a particularly interesting aquatic flora, with species like Ruppia drepanensis and the algae Chara galioides, Lamprothamnium papulosum and Tolypella salina, a species known from very few localities only. The occurring halophytes Juncus maritimus, Puccinellia fasciculata, Scirpus maritimus, Spergularia marina, and Hordeum marinum are rare in the region. Many insects of the lagoons are typical for the Meditteranean coast and are rare further inland. Breeding birds include Tachybaptus ruficollis, Podiceps cristatus, Anas platyrhynchos, Aythya ferina, Rallus aquaticus, Gallinula chloropus and Fulica atra. For Aythya ferina the site is the only known breeding locality in Pa¡s Vasco. The site is also frequented by Phalacrocorax carbo, Ardea purpurea and Nycticorax nycticorax.

Physical notes
The lagoons are situated in the northernmost endorheic basins of Western Europe. They only receive water from rainfed rivulets. The water in the lagoons of Carralogro¤o and Carravalseca is saline, while the impoundment of Prao de la Paul contains freshwater.

Human uses
The saline wetlands are not used, but the lake of Prao de la Paul is used for recreation by the inhabitants of the village of Laguardia, 500 m away. Although the impoundment was constructed to collect water for irrigation, this has never been effected, and there are no plans to use it for irrigation in the future.


The site is declared a Protected Biotope (Biotopo Protegido) by País Vasco law, where observation and research are the only activities permitted.

The lagoons receive agricultural wastewater from nearby fields, which may be contaminated with fertilisers and pesticides. Around Carralogro¤o some landowners have drained parts to extend their farms, and at these localities there are some refuse dumps. Along the shores of Carravalseca vegetation cover for waterbirds has been destroyed through overgrazing by sheep. Recreational activities around Prao de la Paul disturb waterbirds.
