7ES038 Laguna de Pitillas
Coordinates: 42º24'N - 001º34'W Elevation: 350 m Area:216 ha

The site is located 3 km from the small village of Pitillas, in the municipality of Pitillas y Santacara, in the autonomous region of Navarra, in northeastern Spain.

Laguna de Pitillas is the most important wetland in Navarra for nesting marsh birds. It holds 6-11% of the Spanish wintering population of Circus aeruginosus, and 9% of the Spanish breeding population of this species. Botaurus stellaris nests regularly, and Porzana porzana occasionally.

Wetland Types:
Sp, 6
The site was originally a permanent brackish lagoon, but it has been converted into an artificial impoundment.

Ecological notes
The lake is surrouded by dry kermes oak forest of the Querceto-rotundifoliae-Sigmetum association, with characteristic species like Juniperus oxycedrus, J. phoenicia, Rubia peregrina, Osyris alba, Phillyrea angustifolia, Jasminum fruticans and Bupleurum rigidum. Dry pastures are steppe-like, with Stipa offneri and Brachypodium retusum. Aquatic plant species include Chara spp., Ranunculus fluitans, R. aquatilis and Potamogeton pectinatus, with Phragmites australis, Typha angustifolia, Scirpus maritimus, S. tabernaemontani and S. triquetrus in the shallower parts. The lake has dense populations and a great variety in species of amphibians, of which Pelobates cultripes is the most noteworthy.

Physical notes
The site is an oligohaline wetland at the lowest point of an endorheic basin of 7,639 ha. The site has been modified by the construction of a dyke to contain the water. The lake receives water from rainfed rivulets. The average annual precipitation of 525 mm usually falls in only a few, torrential storms.

Human uses
The only activities permitted in the reserve are observation by visitors, and research.


The site is a Natural Reserve, and an EU Special Protection Area for wild birds. A management plan has been approved. A visitors centre has been constructed and was under development in 1997/1998. There is an EU LIFE project on the ecology of Botaurus stellaris for the period 1996-2000.

