7ES025 Laguna y arenal de Valdoviņo
Coordinates: 43º37'N - 008º10'W Elevation: 0-44 m Area:255 ha

The site is located 5 km north-northwest of the town of Valdoviño, and approximately 35 km northeast of the city of La Coruña, La Coruña province, in the autonomous region of Galicia, northwest Spain. It is about 30 km southwest of the Rias de Ortigueira y Ladrido Ramsar site.

1a, 3b
The site is important for staging birds, mainly Anatidae and shorebirds (e.g. Aythya ferina, Anas platyrhynchos, Fulica atra, Calidris alpina and Tachybaptus ruficollis).

Wetland Types:
J, E, H, M, Xf (dominant type listed first)
The site comprises an oval coastal lagoon (1,600 m by 500 m), which is largely separated from the sea by a sand dune barrier (with typical dune vegetation) and beach complex.

Ecological notes
The lagoon is fringed by Phragmites australis and Juncus spp. In the submerged vegetation dense beds of Ruppia maritima are the dominant feature.There is an important area of riparian Salix sp. and Alnus glutinosa woods at the mouths of the Castro and L ngara Rivers. The dune system is dominated by Ammophila arenaria, interspersed with Euphorbia and Crassula spp. The site is rich in amphibians and reptiles. Mammals include the otter Lutra lutra.

Physical notes
As the lagoon connects with the sea via a man-made channel, the water regime is artificially regulated.

Human uses
The site is partly in public ownership (ca. 40%), with the remainder being privately owned. The site is used for tourism, fishing, cultivation of crops, and harvesting of rushes. The level of the lagoon is regulated by local farmers through periodic opening and closing of the connection with the sea.


The site is a Hunting Refuge. The entire wetland is a protected area under regional legislation. A management plan was in preparation in 1995.

The site is subject to moderate tourist pressure during the summer months and disturbance from temporary buildings in the beach area. The site is also used for dumping of solid urban waste.

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